Lately he's been drinking excessive amounts of water, but doesn't seem to be urinating more than normal. Cats that are sick often have elevated third eyelids - the third eyelid is located beneath the lower eyelid and in a sick cat it will cover part of the eyeball. 10. He also has kidney failure. If you are unsure, your veterinary health care team would be happy to provide advice on how much your cat should be drinking, taking into consideration their diet. Toothache and sore mouth in general can make your cat not want to eat as chewing is now painful. I had blood work done to check for renal disease and diabetes. How To Get A Cat To Drink Water When Sick. As trond points out, make sure he is drinking water. Your veterinarian will perform a full exam and treat your cat according to the clinical signs present. She appeared to maybe be drinking some water off of the grass. Already Tried: offering water, offering food he just wants to be left alone and be quite which is not like him at all. What age do cats start getting sick? Our cat will not eat or drink and she is lethargic. If a cat is sick, it will be weak and lethargic. This is a side effect that will happen to some cats. . I sat with her monday night (yesterday) and she ate about 3 mouthfuls of dry food, and drank for about a minute. Both tests came back negative. This is also the case if your cat is eating and drinking less, vomiting, lethargic, or bleeding from their bottom. However, a sick cat's body is already weakened, so the adverse effects will be magnified further by starvation or dehydration. Source: Stopped eating and drinking 2 days ago; hunched and lethargic. Offer your cat the same clean, filtered water that you might drink. Blockage also causes your feline companion intense pain. Acted like lower intestine was sensitive on 2nd run down bowel, vomitus late last night was clear. Offer your cat several drinking troughs: Pick up a cat water fountain, preferably one that lets a cascade of water fall from a small faucet. Diabetic cat refusing to eat and drink, very lethargic. Use a suitable container: the 'plastic' taste that water acquires in low quality containers can cause a cat to stop drinking water.Therefore, we recommend changing to a stainless steel or glass container. Just a bit of gas in her belly. Increased Water Consumption. If your cat is drinking way more water than normal and always seems to be at the water bowl, this can be a sign of illness like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease. He also has kidney failure. A cat in pain might hide. She is very lethargic. You'll know your cat is dehydrated if its skin tents, it shows a loss of appetite, or it seems lethargic. Purraise. Even if not acting lethargic, a cat that is not urinating may be at serious risk of metabolic waste products and toxin buildup. If you determine that your cat is drinking excessively, make an appointment with your veterinarian. A cat who is lethargic and not eating with eye discharge has some of the classic symptoms of cat flu. Another reason, of course, is that when you feel sick, you just don't want to eat or drink. Category: Cat Veterinary. Keep in mind, if you're syringe-feeding a cat, they may either be sick or too weak to drink water themselves. As of Monday, my cat has been really sick. It's very unusual for a kitty to not drink enough water if their food intake is normal. My 5 year old male cat was fine yesterday morning. …. 12. my cat is not well he is very lethargic and not eating and not himself looks tired and isn't drinking either and curled up looking cold. If your cat skips the occasional meal but otherwise eats normally, then you should watch closely for trends. 4. Just like refusal to eat, the reason behind not drinking is multi-faceted. Gingivitis is the most common problem. I have a 15 y/o neutered male cat. Encourage food consumption and hydration if your cat doesn't eat for 24 hours or doesn't drink for 12 hours. Tea. Source: If it's been vomiting or has diarrhea, this can quickly result in dehydration. Sadly, cats can also develop cancerous tumors in the mouth. According to their weight, we recommend giving your cat at least 2-4 cc per each pound of their body weight, per hour. He won't get up from his spot and keeps sleeping. in most cases. The big danger is dehydration, but it sounds like he is drinking enough to take care of that. Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by yo0123yo, . Food and hairs. Lethargic cat- can barely move & drinking lots of water. The fluid is quickly absorbed by the body since it's lacking water intake from a cat not eating/drinking. The first symptom is pain. 54 people found this answer helpful Was this answer helpful? Source: Any cat loss of appetite can be caused by a virus, and this can be similar to a cold in people. Cat is Stressed Kidney disease is common in cats and one of the biggest killers so it is important to diagnose the condition as soon as possible. A cat can become dehydrated by not drinking enough water or urinating more than she's ingesting, or, in extreme situations, because of vomiting or blood loss. Why Is My Cat Not Eating or Drinking - Is It Because of Illness? That way they will have consistently fresh water that is not hot. Drooling. Older cats might be experiencing age-related body changes, and arthritis and/or joint disease will certainly slow down most cats. They will do this by performing blood and urine tests. In most cases, kidney issues may cause your cat to drink too much water, but as the disease progresses, the water consumption desire of your cat will reduce until it completely stops . This will hydrate your cat while giving added nourishment to help strengthen its body. 12 year old male cat mixed with bobcat will not eat drink water for 2 days , large pupils and hides. As trond points out, make sure he is drinking water. If you have a cat not drinking water for 48-72 hours, or shows other worrisome symptoms, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or changes in urination/defecation, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. Taking care of your cat is one of the most important things you should prioritize.But there will be times that they suffer from certain problems that end up with them being unhealthy. For her to not be moving for 3 days I'd be very worried about significant illness or trauma. According to WebMD , cats need an average of between 3.5 and 4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight. Generally, if a cat on insulin is still drinking a lot of water, and they are on an all low carb canned food diet, (low carb canned foods are what diabetic cats should be eating), then it is very likely that the cat is still having high blood glucose numbers for whatever reason. 4. This is an inflammation of the gums caused by a build-up of plaque. Weight Loss - Sudden or Gradual Use a suitable container: the 'plastic' taste that water acquires in low quality containers can cause a cat to stop drinking water.Therefore, we recommend changing to a stainless steel or glass container. Loss of appetite can be normal for cats but it still should not be ignored. If they act lethargic, listless, show no interest in food or play, and have watery diarrhea or vomit, you'll want to take your kitten to the vet. First and foremost, the cat is lethargic and not eating. Issues like liver disease can cause a cat to lose its thirst. These are treatable diseases. As your cat grows older, he may have particular difficulties with the way he functions, namely his eating habits.If you noticed your old cat not eating, then it may be a huge problem in the long run. Cats save energy for hunting which means they often sleep for 12-16 hours a day (or more). The cat may have gotten sick, try offering all different kinds of foods to entice an . I have an approximately 2 year-old sexlink. Lethargic and Not Eating / Drinking —Like lethargy, not eating or drinking well are nonspecific clinical signs that are seen with many cat diseases. Cats that are drooling and not eating could be nauseous. Keep him cool and quiet and watch him. These sounds worrying.If cat is not eating for more then 72 hours hepatic lipidosis (liver damage) can develop and also after two days of not drinking your cat must be dehydrated by now.You should take your cat to the vet for examination and proper treatment. People joke about cats and their finicky eating habits, but it's actually a serious issue if your cat won't eat. A lethargic or sedated cat is frequently a sick cat. Some cats will drink less if they eat canned food which has more water content than dry food. Hand feeding your cat small amounts of soft food can help give your pet the nutrition they need. Healthy cats can survive for 1 week (or more) without food and just 3 days without water consumption. Dehydration in cats is typically caused by the cat not drinking enough water or by excessive water loss. Is there food in it? She has not been eating or drinking much (half a bowl of food and water each) for the past 4 days. A cat may stop drinking water because it is sick and lacks the urge to drink water. My cat is 2 he's been lethargic for 3 days, he will not eat or drink at all and has been puking up white foam. Kidney Disease. If he keeps drinking and doesn't get worse, I would feel comfortable waiting a bit. Cat not eating but drinking water. Why is my cat suddenly lethargic? This can happen when your cat eats something that irritates their stomach lining. A new cat would not be a replacement for Chucky but would help distract you a bit as you move through the grieving process. Increased Thirst Drinking International Cat Care No bowel movement for five days. Veterinarian's Assistant: Could she have eaten anything unusual? Our top tips on how to get a cat to drink water include:. She is acting lethargic when not doing anything, (she will typically fall asleep in about 10 or so minutes but now will fall asleep within 30 seconds to a minute) but it doesnt stop her from wanting to . A cat not eating or drinking for 3 days is very concerning, as they can get liver disease secondary to not eating. Replied on 04/19/2011. Joined: Dec 29, 2009. Like people, cats can go longer without food than water. Bear in mind that a lot of your cat's water intake might come from their food. The lethargy and lack of appetite and drinking your cat is experiencing for 3 days are serious symptoms and definitely not normal following anesthesia. Since then a little over 24 hours ago, he won't eat, will drink water, but very little, and when he tries to stand he wobbles and lays . Simply dissolve Vitamin C with ½ teaspoon of water if it comes in tablet and makes your cat swallow it twice a day until the symptoms improve. Your cat can survive without food for several days actually, but not water. Our top tips on how to get a cat to drink water include:. Your cat is probably already seriously dehydrated. Cats with lethargy are sick and typically there are other warning signs that something is wrong. Show More. However something must have taken effect overnight. He also has not gone to the potty in 3 days. Still tired today so I took her to the vet. However, if your cat is sleeping more than usual it could be a sign that something is wrong. Your vet will be able to tell you roughly how much water your cat needs based on their diet, lifestyle, and physical health. My husband let the girls out of the coop this morning at about 6:30 AM and when I looked out there at 8:00 she was standing in the middle of some grass and wasn't moving other than to put her head down every so often. The cat may lose interest in food and water because she feels nauseated (lolling of the head above the water bowl is a classic sign of kidney failure — it seems that cats with the syndrome feel. Cannot keep water down; Blood in the vomit or diarrhea; Increasingly lethargic or weak; A painful abdomen; Refusing food for more than 24 hours, or does not want to drink Does the vomit look liquidy or foamy? Cats can become nauseous for several reasons. That said, giving your cat water via a syringe sounds easy but it can actually be quiet a challenge. Nausea. Do not worry if your cat does not drink water throughout the day but behaves as it always does. But be vigilant of their behavior. cat lethargic not eating but drinking water Monday, January 3, 2022 Vet as soon as possible. Please note: cats should not be fasted for more than 24 hours. Excessive licking of an area . Cats enjoy freshwater, so Kitty might be reluctant to drink tap water that smells of chemicals. 1 Your vet will be able to assess your cat's health to determine if they are suffering from dehydration, any of the illnesses above or . Ok, so i have a 10 year old mut that is part collie, part shepherd, and part golden retreiver. I have a cat run/cage that he has free access to from laundry window and he has been hiding under the wheelchair ramp. My cat is 16 and a half and in the last few weeks, he lost a lot of weight. But be vigilant of their behavior. My 13 year old male cat, since yesterday is sick, and I don't know why. A cat must use stored fat for fuel when it doesn't eat, and this fat must be processed by the cat's liver, which is a step that . Another reason, of course, is that when you feel sick, you just don't want to eat or drink. If your cat has eaten something they shouldn't have, and this may be causing constipation, you should not wait forty-eight hours before contacting the veterinarian. This morning he is completely lethargic. Because cats know that pain makes them vulnerable, a sick cat will hide so that he can avoid being preyed upon by stronger animals. Filed under: drink eat We took him to the veterinarian. Answer (1 of 4): Sounds like heat exhaustion. Because cats are so incredibly hygienic, they prefer to drink from moving water. You will just need to pay close attention to your cat during the recovery period and contact the vet if the reaction seems too strong. This is not to mention that such cats usually usually die in a matter of 48-72 hours as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA . It worried me enough to take her to the vet that morning. They unblocked his bladder and he was relatively ok. We have found out now, though, that both of my cat's kidneys are not working. Any abnormality with the eyes can result in blindness - if in doubt at all, DO NOT DELAY - see your veterinarian. Take your cat to a vet to see if there is something lodged in his/her throat, if there is - this cat would starve to death, I have seen this happen. Not eating/drinking normally. If you think his condition is wo. Additionally, the water you're giving your cat might not be top quality! She will not get any appetite recovery for another day or 2 since it takes about 2 days for the shot to start working. Why is my cat not drinking water? By Monday night I noticed how sleepy she was and still hadn't touched her food. Endocrine Issues. I strongly suggest ensuring your cat has good quality water at all times. According to VCA Hospitals, cats will often hide signs of their illness, so sometimes, the signs that a cat is sick are subtle. 5. Change your cat's water daily : cats love fresh and renewed water.If a cat's water has been sitting for too long, they will . The longer your cat goes without proper nutrition, however, the weaker they become, so it's important to contact your vet if you suspect they haven't eaten in a day or more. Change your cat's water daily : cats love fresh and renewed water.If a cat's water has been sitting for too long, they will . Cats can survive for about two weeks without eating but only three days without drinking. Similarly, many diseases of the mouth can make cats stop eating altogether. A cat that stops eating is often a sign that something is wrong and could be the result of an illness. That My 2 year old male cat was fine yesterday morning content than dry.! 4 ): Sounds like he is drinking water cat may have gotten sick, it can indicate deep-rooted.! Has diarrhea, this can lead to a serious problem called fatty liver or hepatic lipidosis after staying near water. 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