Gamma rays are the highest energy . SCP-239 is, put simply, a small, eight year old girl with the ability to alter reality to match her expectations. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but sending an inferno, a blizzard, an electrical storm, or the like into the battle is like sending an army of rifles into a battle filled with knives. All molecules are matter, but not all all matter is molecules. Not to be confused with Dark Matter Manipulation. Thanos may not have enough might to completely rebuff such an attack. Optical forces can be used to manipulate biological and colloidal material in a non-contact manner. The Top 10 Powerful Superheroes That Can Control The Elements. Matter Manipulation is a form of magic unique to Wolvians, unlike Kitsune magic new types cannot be learned and instead types are determined for each Wolvian. See, matter is anything that that takes up space and has mass, and if you think about it matter would include atoms and particles, while molecules wouldn't. SCP-3812 is a powerful, reality altering entity, previously known as Sam Howell; a non-anomalous African-American human being who was believed to have died in 1996, and was reported to have raised out of its grave and disappeared shortly after its death. There have been many claims/theories made by . The power to generate and manipulate Aether (also called Ether in some circles), the unique essence that flows through most of existence. This forms the foundation of a wealth of exciting science, particularly in the fields of physics, biology and soft condensed matter. Eros is in the middle of Eternals when it comes to matter manipulation. Disintegrating matter into nothing or creating matter from nothing. Matter Alteration/Control Materiokinesis The user can shape and manipulate matter, i.e. In his classic days, Darkseid was . Answer (1 of 4): * Plasma manipulation isn't terribly useful, except for destroying things. Matter Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Void Manipulation (Can . Matter manipulation is for people with skill. Being able to manipulate atoms is more powerful than being able . Due to everything in the observable universe being made of matter, those with this ability essentially can change anything or even disassemble matter for one shot capability. Opposite to Nether Manipulation. Tier: High 1-B to 1-A Name: Yukari Yakumo . Suit Manipulation - The character wears a suit that makes the character superhumanly powerful. The Sentry's superhuman powers and abilities derive from a special version of the Super-Soldier Serum of which it's potency was increased thousands of times and altered making it much more potent. First of all, Uru metal is inherently magical, so pure matter manipulation could not create it. 3. Antiforce Manipulation 1. Not to be confused with Dark Matter Manipulation . This type of magic, as the name would suggest . She was never even conceived in the fundamental history, thus her very existence is quite literally a universal mistake. Those who can manipulate matter on the atomic level are even more powerful due to their ability to manipulate individual atoms, giving them even greater freedom over how they are able to manipulate and control matter. Matter manipulation is not the same thing as molecule manipulation. And that's not the most remarkable part of Dormammu and the Dark Dimension. One who controls this essentially holds control over Quantum Physics , a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. Sub-power of Matter Manipulation and Transmutation. They would be able to do all kinds of things with their unique type of substance and special properties for various . Although the standard Gaussian single-beam trap remains a very powerful tool, shaping the phase and . Flight Manipulation - By changing the gravity around others or objects, such as increasing to bring them down or decreasing to lift them. Ego could surround, cover, and destroy Thanos through manipulation of his own surface. The ability to be unaffected by anything that does and doesn't exist. Yukari Yakumo is a youkai, and undoubtedly one of the most powerful characters of the Touhou Universe. Expanding Dark Matter Bolts: Project energy/matter that expands rapidly on contact with an . Ego has complete control over the matter that constitutes his form. reality warping is telling reality how it is now. Floortilting - Change the direction which gravity pulls matter. Animated Shadow 1. Darkseid. Animal Oriented Powers 2. Annihilation requires and converts exactly equal masses of antimatter and matter by the collision which releases the entire mass-energy of both, which for 1 gram is ~9×10 13 joules. It is a collective term referring to several powers. At this level, Matter Manipulators are able to change the nature of atoms and their properties, allowing them to transmute one . Sub-power of EM Spectrum Manipulation. The ability to change the properties of any matter from powder or liquid into any other matter or substance. What can you do with aether in Elseworlds? 38 items Most Powerful Matter Manipulators Energy Absorption / Conversion: To absorb and convert energy. It depends completely upon the extent/tier of either ability. "If she can see it, she can change it." Her reality warping powers have been shown to be among the most powerful in the hyperverse of the SCP Foundation, and has been taught the "Ways" by SCP-343. This includes such things as forming energy out of thin air or turning silver into gold. Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Oan energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them.The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. Dark Matter Bomb Generation: Create bombs/explosions of dark matter. Variation of Draconic Element Manipulation and Matter Manipulation. Dormammu is one of the most powerful beings around. 9 Matter Manipulation. The most powerful of the Heralds of Galactus can manipulate even black matter and dark energy in conjunction with the Power Cosmic. 4. It is a collective term referring to several powers. Gravity Constructs - Create weapons, armor, and entities using gravitons. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. An antimatter weapon is a theoretically possible device using antimatter as a power source, a propellant, or an explosive for a weapon. If I ever get the ability to conceptualize large amounts of objects in my mind, matter manipulation would be a good choice. Matter manipulation is the ability to control matter itself, elements are only the basic . Abstract. For example, all Eternals can manipulate matter to a certain extent. Opposite to Antimatter Manipulation and Immaterial Manipulation. Thanos has strength and cosmic energy to repel this, but Ego is vast and powerful. Quantum Manipulation is the power to control quantum physics and particles, such as quarks or strings. User can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique "Celestial Element" that flows through the Universe. anything in the universe that has substance and mass/physical form, starting from molecules and atoms, to planets and other astronomical features. Dark Matter Cutting: Use dark energy to cut opponents. Animation 5. You can alter your own cells, making you immune to anything. User can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique "Celestial Element" that flows through the Universe. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. Space-Time Manipulation Apart from possessing a nigh infinite array of powers, Spu's (TF2 Freak) most signature power above all of the rest is that he can manipulate space-time in virtually any way he desires.For example, he can selectively control the history of something like objects and buildings, at least both temporally and spatially. Soul Manipulation is the ability to interact with one's soul or the souls of others.This ability ranges from being able to project the power of one's soul outward, grasping and ripping the souls of . . Warning: SPOILERS for House of X #1 Prepare to debate a new round of X-Men powers, Marvel fans, because the comics have finally defined the term "Omega Mutants"--along with the characters who have officially earned the status. Tier: 1-B Name: SCP-239, The Witch Child, The Woman With Stars in her Eyes Origin . While Sersi is best known for her utility with this ability, it's something that all Eternals share as a power. Apathy 1. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. The experimental serum creates a phase-shift in his molecules, causing the Sentry to become partially out of synch with normal reality. . Notable Attacks/Techniques: Retcon Punch: Superman is able to use a powerful punch that can shatter reality and erasure beings from existence, Heat Vision: He shoots out flaming lasers from his eyes, Ice Breath: Superman uses an ice breath that can freeze enemies, Plot Manipulation: He is able to manipulate the plot of the story/fight to his favor. Mimic the material around . Antimatter Manipulation 15. These particles act as the building blocks for physical matter as well as the bonds between . including matter manipulation, cosmic . The ability to manipulate most types of energy. say you wanna create fire, with MM you need to seperate or reshape the gases in the air to create something flammable, create a ignitioner or move the gases . In the comics, Sprite is a boy and has the usual Eternal superpowers of super-strength, speed, immortality, durability and energy manipulations. matter manipulation is manipulation the basic elements at a base level and shaping them into new and strange shapes to create reactions. SCP-3812 demonstrates vast, reality altering abilities, although they are coupled with severe mental problems; one of which includes an . * Dark matter manipulation is useless, given that we don't even know what "dark matter" consists of. Cosmological Force Manipulation: Bend the very energies of the universe via thought alone. Power/Ability to: Manipulate reality. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has had its share of powerful beings, but that's nothing compared to the ridiculously overpowered characters in the comics. Atomic Transmutation Matter Alteration Matter Altering User can transmute matter into different forms. Matter manipulation is more powerful because most energy is made up of matter. Power Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the magical powers of others or oneself. Answer (1 of 3): We have much more freedom in manipulating energy than matter. Sub-power of Dragon Force Manipulation. The power to manipulate draconic matter. The ability to manipulate or create plasma and plasma-like substances, such as plasma bolts, miniature black holes, and plasma discs. Variation of Radiation Manipulation. The ability to manipulate gamma radiation. Solar. She absorbs power from Morrigan and Gnosis and . Power Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the magical powers of others or oneself. Subatomic Manipulation; Space-Time Manipulation; Soul Manipulation; Matter Manipulation; Mind Control; Telepathy; Related: In-depth comparison between Stormbreaker and Mjolnir: Which Thor's weapon is more powerful find out in this article. Advanced/Enhanced Quintessence Aethikinesis Aetherkinesis Akasha Manipulation Convexity Breath (The Legend of Spyro) Cosmo . Universal Manipulation - If powerful enough then a user can manipulate matter on a universal level. Opposite to Nether Manipulation. The power to transmute matter to varying degrees. Sentry. 15. Not to be confused with Dark Matter Manipulation . These energy displays can be as powerful as the wielder can imagine. Powerful enough to overpower Molecule Man at his own game. It's a terrible idea to control something you don't know anything about. @galactic_1000: it depends on the writer, but in most of the cases matter manipulation is more powerful. One who controls this essentially holds control over Quantum Physics , a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. Vector Manipulation; Black Hole Manipulation - By manipulating the density of matter a user can make a black hole and manipulate it . Matter manipulation is a lottttt more powerful because it is more broad. While Armeni (TF2 Freak) treats this power more as a toy than a tool or weapon, the power does allow him to affect the state of things on how they exist, create virtually anything out of thin air, and some other actions that are otherwise inconceivable. Druig can dominate minds, making slaves out of anyone without telepathic defenses, he is a powerful telekinetic, and can rearrange matter. Gravity Generation - Generate gravity. For example, in our universe, the laws of the Universe don't allow for Uru metal, so you can't create Uru . You could cure cancer, by just getting rid of bad cells. Dragon Materia Manipulation Dragon Matter Manipulation The user can create, shape and manipulate matter of draconic origin. Matter Manipulation is the ability to affect matter at the atomic level. If they are to be considered the same tier (i.e. The user can manipulate subatomic particles which are a lot smaller than atoms, achieving a variety of effects and can manipulate matter at the subatomic level.. What is soul manipulation? If you can have any two powers (other than reality warping, matter manipulation, or any other that would make you godlike) what would they be? Anti-Gravity 5. While several magical beings are capable of using more than one branch of power manipulation, no being has shown to be capable of using all these abilities. Dark Matter Bullet Projection: Fire in short sequence over a wide area. Opposite to Nether Manipulation. Arcane Magic 1. When Juggernaut has unlocked complete access to the Gem to become Trion Juggernaut, he has shown that he has the power to manipulate matter. 13. She is quite fond of clubs and staves for some reason and openly admits so. What can you do with aether in Elseworlds? 2. It's not his most powerful ability, but it's not his weakest. While several magical beings are capable of using more than one branch of power manipulation, no being has shown to be capable of using all these abilities. Comic Book Power: Matter manipulation MCU Power: Illusionist . Matter Manipulation is (as the name implies) the ability to manipulate matter, the physical substance that makes up everything. Of the many superpowers that exist in comics, very few can change the outcome of an event quite like those who control Earthly elements. Unless it's anti-matter energy, but not a lot of people can actually manipulate that form of energy. Self-Atomic Manipulation: To manipulate self at the atomic level. For example one cann. the only difference is matter manipulation requires u know exactly where each particle goes and such while reality warpin particles just form to create or reshape desired object and person doesn't need advanced knowledge reality warping breaks the laws of physics and also creates energy and matter to accomplish goals. Sonya is Luka's childhood friend in Monster Girl Quest! . Turning a person to dust is a form of matter manipulation. Matter Manipulation is a form of magic unique to Wolvians, unlike Kitsune magic new types cannot be learned and instead types are determined for each Wolvian. Anti-Matter . The suit may have some armor but not enough armor to warrant being in the category which in turn is a sub category of suit manipulation. Weakness or Limitations. So, being able to disintegrate matter or reshape it into anything - you just rearrange the molecules that make it. Being able to manipulate atoms is more powerful than being able . Later on, she reveals herself to be an XX class apoptosis, similar to Adramelech. Through the Dark Dimension he's capable of energy projection, matter manipulation, teleportation, necromancy, size altering, he can give his power to others, and can create Demon Lords. Suit Manipulation is also known as a Battle Suit, Power Suit and Super Suit. Honestly, if you had complete knowledge of matter and control of this, you would be inconceivably powerful. Paradox. You can also stop your own aging, by making your cells healthier. The Oan Power ring is a complex omni-tool, a Swiss Army knife, capable of any number of amazing feats powered by the will of the user, including:. Druig has the super strength, durability, cosmic energy manipulation, and flight the rest of them have but with an added bonus. Of course, if you get a powerful enough reality warpers or matter manipulator, Hulk will definitely feel the effects. SCP-3812 is a powerful, reality altering entity, previously known as Sam Howell; a non-anomalous African-American human being who was believed to have died in 1996, and was reported to have raised out of its grave and disappeared shortly after its death. Conversion of energy from one kind to another is relatively easy while changing one elemntary particle into another is sometimes not even possible as forbidden by the fundamental conservation laws. 38 items Most Powerful Matter Manipulators Secondly, if you are not in the Marvel Universe, it doesn't make much sense as to how you can create something that, as you said, doesn't exist. There have been many claims/theories made by . Again, it seems a little restrictive for the Gem of Cyttorak to grant him a new ability, but on a fairly minor scale. Stopping an object is more generalized telekinesis. Matter Manipulation is often shortened to MM and is comprised of four types, Earth, Fire, Water and Air. A lot of skill. Plasma Manipulation. Matter Manipulation is often shortened to MM and is comprised of four types, Earth, Fire, Water and Air. 16 . Apotheosis 5. This type of magic, as the name would suggest . She is known as the "Gap Youkai", capable of manipulating boundaries, including those that are conceptual. They are able to create and absorb matter and energy, shape, and rebuild it into anything of their choosing. Atomic Manipulation Biological . . the reality warping is exactly powerful enough to do what the matter manipulation can) then the reality warping is more powerful because reality warping is a generalized ability that includes many other things besides matter manipulation. However, he can only manipulate the size of objects. More cell possibilities, but . Matter Manipulation is more powerful than Gate Magic, however is also less controlled. . The mental part of psionic manipulation will give you the power to ascend to the Astral Plane and control living beings on a world-wide scale. Matter Manipulation is more powerful than Gate Magic, however is also less controlled. Though this version of Thor is way too powerful, he still has his weaknesses . Sentry is one of the greatest matter manipulators in all of Marvel. Matter Manipulation: Change the very nature of the physical nature of a substance. Create, absorb, meld, or replace all forms of matter. She is often sleeping and often prefers to achieve her goals through manipulating events and people rather than resorting to direct combat. The idea of a mutant classification system was first alluded to when Uncanny X-Men writer Chris Claremont identified Rachel Grey as an "Omega level" threat. Sub-power of Telekinesis. * Antimatter manipulation is. Matter manipulation is not the same thing as molecule manipulation. The most powerful of the Heralds of Galactus can manipulate even black matter and dark energy in conjunction with the Power Cosmic. 4 THANOS: Matter Manipulation Matter Manipulation. 14. Quantum Manipulation is the power to control quantum physics and particles, such as quarks or strings. Reality Warping. Dark Matter Breath: Discharge dark matter from the mouth. Universal Force Manipulation - Powerful matter manipulators can alter the forces that governs the universe. Gamma Ray Manipulation User can create, shape and manipulate gamma radiation, one of the weakest and strongest electromagnetic radiation types in existence, which is lethal to living beings in large doses due to its ionization of radiation. I most likely can't do that so I would have to chose super luck. The power to manipulate matter. All molecules are matter, but not all all matter is molecules. However, he is best known for his ability to transmute matter to create or change objects into any form, shape or type. Planets and other astronomical features own aging, by making your cells.. Manipulate atoms is more powerful because most energy is made up of matter and control of,! 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